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Our Classes

We know how busy and expensive your life can get, especially living in NYC. By providing life saving classes at an affordable price, we are making sure you’re still able to learn how to save someones life without putting your life on hold.


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Benefits of CPR classes

Did you ever come across a question about why do you need CPR classes and what benefits they will bring to your life and the people around you? If yes then you might start considering some renowned institutes to get started with CPR & AED classes. In the era where the concept of online buying and online education is a most normal thing, we offer the most affordable CPR classes Brooklyn, for people residing in NYC as well as all over the world. We understand the busy schedule of every individual and hence we have introduced basic first aid CPR classes for our participants to complete the lectures at their own desired time and convenience and can come to class for one or two hours to demonstrate the hands-on skills. This course structure is unlike any other traditional course as it is specifically designed to cater to professionals.

Before getting started with any domain you need to understand its importance and need in your life, you need to ask how much value it can add to your life, what and how you can utilize your skill-set.

Benefits of CPR classes for every profession

The reason to get basic first aid CPR classes are countless, you can never have any benefit from getting any skill once you master it. Learning CPR doesn’t mean that you need to belong to a medical profession, you can still make it worth it even if you are an individual with any other profession.

Minimized Heart Disease

According to the CDC, cardiopathy is that the leading explanation for death within the U.S., claiming the lives of quite 600,000 people annually.

CPR Saves Lives

While cardiopathy is on the increase, CPR can help save lives. consistent with the American Heart Association, over 350,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occurred in 2016. Sadly, 88% of individuals that suffer from asystole outside of the hospital die.

Anyone Can Learn CPR

Anyone can learn CPR and everyone should. It is been reported that 70% of American citizens feel helpless to act in the event of a cardiac emergency because they either don’t understand how to effectively administer CPR or their training has lapsed. The Life You Save could also be That of a love Did you recognize that four out of 5 cardiac arrests occur at home? Not only that, but many victims of sudden pathology appear healthy and will not have any known heart diseases or risk factors. Performing CPR promptly may save the life of someone you like. With highly professional individuals we at Staying Alive CPR facilitates CPR classes Brooklyn for every individual willing to learn CPR.

Prevent death

Brain death occurs four to 6 minutes after the center stops breathing. With CPR you can easily keep blood flowing and oxygen to the brain and other vital organs of the affected person. There are Health reports that if CPR is given within the primary two minutes of cardiopulmonary arrest, the possibilities of survival double.
cpr classes Brooklyn

Feel Confident within the Event of A Cardiac Emergency

CPR and AED classes will help you master the tools and therefore the confidence you wish to rebuild within yourself from the role of bystander to lifesaver.

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